Translation strategies of information impact (electronic english-language media studies)

  • Gnezdechko O.N.

    Oksana N. Gnezdechko, Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Шульга Илья Олегович

    Ilya O. Shulga, Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. A central issue in the paper is revealing translation transformations and transediting
strategies in English-language electronic media. Highlighted here is the key role of information
influencing the addressee. Of special emphasis in the framework of modern methodology is the
analysis of translation techniques and transformations exploited in news media texts. Neverthe-
less, there should not be neglected the problem of their pragmatic nature and transcreation. When translat-
ing news media texts content, translation alone is often not enough to meet the target language (and cul-
ture) requirements and objectives that translators face. Transcreated content is generally suitable for news
media texts. Therefore, translated texts must be tansedited – rewritten, revised or modified. The news texts
analysis was performed on the English-language electronic media, in particular, The Guardian, Forbes,
The New York Times, etc. Outlined here are key assumptions to transcreation of news media texts. The au-
thors explored most common semantic, grammatical and stylistic transformations consistent with the
transediting strategies. Although the results obtained appear to be quite general, the authors managed to
offer empirical evidence and explanations for the use of transediting strategies in electronic media.
Keywords: translation transformations, pragmatic adaptation of the text, translation strategies
of pragmatic adaptation, information impact on the addressee